68%成份為全麥(用於補充纖維),搭配加入草莓、黑醋栗、覆盆子和藍莓泥的莓果粒(增添美妙果味), 再加上鐵和維他命B群(幫助釋出開始新的一天所需的能量)。 作為富含鐵質與維他命B1、B2和B3的均衡飲食的一部分,它再好不過。
1L |
- 富含維他命B1、B2和B3
- 高葉酸
- 高鐵
Health Star Rating
The Health Star Rating (HSR) of a product is based on a calculation that considers the amount of energy, saturated fat, sugars, protein and fibre present in a food, along with the fruit, vegetable, nuts and legume content.
Click here for more information about the Health Star Rating program
每包裝含: 11每一份量每 100g
熱量 (kJ)1460
蛋白質 (g)4.29.3
脂肪 (g)0.51.1
飽和脂肪 (g)0.10.2
碳水化合物 (g)31.570.1
糖 (g)10.022.2
膳食纖維 (g)4.19.2
鈉 (mg)135300
Thiamin (Vitamin B1) (g)0.55 (50% RDI)*1.22
核黃素(維生素 B2) (g)0.43 (25% RDI)*0.95
Niacin (Vitamin B3) (mg)2.55.6
Folate (µg)80 (40% RDI)*178
鉀 (mg)119265
鐵 (mg)3.0 (25% RDI)*6.7
鐵 (mg)
鐵 ()
鐵 (mg)(25% RDI)*
- * 每人每日建議攝取量百分比
- *Percentage of Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI)
- 1 serve provides 20% of the folate for women of childbearing age
- *Percentage of Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI)
- *Percentage of Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI)
含有含麩質的穀物。 可能含有羽扇豆。